Distance measurement with optical distance sensors Distance sensors based on optical triangulation. The components work with one or more infrared LEDs and a receiver chip, the so-called PSD. This is a 4-layer semiconductor component that generates different currents depending on the angle of incidence of the infrared beam reflected by the object. These currents are then related to a reference by the downstream electronics and output at the output pin as a degressive analog voltage. Thus, a stepless distance measurement is possible. The color of the object does not play a role. The surface condition is also uncritical to a certain degree.

1-bit digital output according
to distance measuring
13 cm
1-bit digital output
Analog voltage output
according to distance measuring
24 cm
1-bit digital output
80 cm
1-bit digital output
1.5 to 15 cm
Analog output
GP2Y0AF15 series
2 to 15 cm
Analog output
4 to 30 cm
Analog output
GP2Y0A41SK0F /
GP2Y0AF30 series
10 to 80 cm
Analog output
20 to 150 cm
Analog output